From Littering to Reusable Cups, Which Companies are Making the Change?

Colony Cleanup -  From Littering to Reusable Cups, Which Companies are Making the Change?

Have you thought about where that cup you received during your last drive-through visit will end up? Most toss it into the nearest garbage can without hesitation. As you know, as humans, we are accumulating a lot of unnecessary waste, and it's piling up in our landfills. Thankfully, consumers are beginning to focus on where that cup will end up, and companies are too. Consequently, the production of recycled products and reusable cups are on the rise. 

The Reuse, Reduce, and Repeat (recycle) is a worldwide program adopted by many countries. There is progress in the efforts the United States is making in its recycling program. Over the years, the national recycling rate has increased to almost 35% of all trash generated. While 35% is a good start, the fact is, there is still such a long way to go. 

 Colony Cleanup - Will reusable cups be the wave of the future?


The average person throws away an equivalent of their body weight in trash per month. Landfills around the world are overflowing, and it is affecting our planet. As a result, companies are adopting recycling campaigns as they try to reduce or eliminate their trash footprint on the Earth. 

So who exactly is trying to reduce their trash footprint? In this article, we show you which companies are focusing on ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle. 

The coffee industry pushes reusable cups

Today, Americans alone are tossing an estimated twenty-five billion Styrofoam cups a year. Meanwhile, an alarming eight million tons of plastic are being dumped into our oceans annually.

Starbucks is taking a stand. They lead the way when it comes to reusable coffee cups. In fact, Starbucks recently announced they are innovating ways to reduce and end their waste. Furthermore, they are joining forces with other foodservice companies to find ways to reduce or zero out waste completely. The board of Starbucks has made it clear they committed to reducing waste. They also echo the growing concerns of climate change and pollution.

Awareness has led many food industry chains and businesses to focus on ways to reduce their trash footprint. Awareness is leading to change among consumers too. Since 2017, many of these retailers have seen an increase in the purchase of reusable cups.

 Colony Cleanup - Will reusable cups be the wave of the future?

Innovators and startups are targeting the reusable cups space

Just this year, Fast Company announced the company, r.Cup, on their list of 2020s world's most innovative companies. 

r.Cup is entering the market to provide a solution to the overwhelming amount of plastic cups consumers toss into the garbage. They focus on venues, festivals, and concession stands that are in desperate need of a solution to their waste problem. 

From reusable cups to reusable products and services

In reference to buying products, consumers are no longer looking at the price and performance alone. They look at the sustainability of the product and how "Earth-friendly" the business is. Companies are monitoring this type of behavior among their customers. 

As a result, businesses outside of the food industry now have action plans in place to reduce their waste. Companies such as Patagonia, Adidas, Best Buy, Samsung, Intel, and Estee Lauder are now recycling more than 85% of their waste. They have made a strong commitment to establishing reuse, reduce, and recycle programs. 

  Colony Cleanup - The national recycling rate has increased to almost 35% of all trash generated

Recycle or reusable, which one is for you? 

Right now, there is a debate going on between reusable versus biodegradable products. Which one is the best for the Earth? Which do consumers prefer? Will reusable cups be the wave of the future? The debate continues as companies follow the lead of their customers. Time will tell which route is best. In the meantime, where will you be putting your next cup?