As humans, it is our responsibility to pick up after ourselves. Yet, there seems to be a lack of interest or inability to pick up after ourselves. As a result, trash is interfering with our ecosystems, killing animals, and gravely affecting our planet. Hence the intense need for change, a change you can be part of starting today. In this article, Colony Cleanup shares three reasons to help motivate you to start picking up trash, even trash that isn't yours.
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Dog plogging has been growing among dog park regulars and some cleanup groups. Some local businesses have been incentivizing the idea with gift cards, swag, and other rewards for participants. Likewise, there are sponsorships to help spread the word that a cleaner city benefits everyone.
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Today, many people are leaving food behind while hiking on purpose. Why? Maybe they think they're helping by feeding the hungry animals? Perhaps they don't want to carry their leftover food on the rest of their hike, and tossing it seems harmless.
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From littering to Reusable Cups, which companies are making the change in their trash footprint on the earth?
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If you went driving this week, you likely saw someone littering from their car. How do you feel when you see someone roll down their window and throw out their trash? In contrast, are you a litterbug?
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